Help the environment and underprivileged families while you get a monthly Profit of 1.5%- 4..00% Monthly /3-10 Year Plans .

Get Started Today and Help Your Self to a Great Investment Profits and Save the Planet at the same time .
Welcome to the exciting world of Planting Direct & Planting A Profit and many thanks for taking your valuable time to find out more about our highly unique project. I must admit to you now I am hoping to encourage you to take an active role within our Global projects.
I am NOT going to try and make you into a Tree Hugging leftist and placing the worlds problemsd directly onto your shoulders , but put forward a sensible solution for a massive global problem that we help to solve now until newer technologies can be developed over the next 100 years to reduce the effects of this major problem C02.
What is the best way you can help people in need?
Where Aid in general has failed to eradicate poverty and hunger foreign investments on the other hand has made a bigger impact in a much shorter period of time. Let’s look at China in particular has become a major investor in Africa surpassing the combined investments of the rest of the world.
China remains an example of how business, investments and trade outperforms the ability of charity and aid to reduce poverty in Africa. China’s approach is under the microscope for issues l cheap resource extraction, not employing Africans in leader positions, salary underpaying the workforce and ignoring obvious concerns like corruption and human rights. BUT still China remains an example of how business, investments and trade outperforms the ability of charity and aid to reduce poverty in Africa.
Planting Direct & Planting A Profit believes fully in social impact investments, social entrepreneurship and by adopting sustainable practices,apply commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental wellbeing.

We are a socially responsible company conducting viable alternatives to doing business not purely for profit proving daily social entrepreneurship can make a real and significant difference for people in need across the world.
Combining business and poverty reduction through social entrepreneurship may perhaps not be an obvious strategy to most people. After all, charity is what most of the planet associates with helping people in need. And social entrepreneurship is mainly associated with wealthy investors, large companies and local startups.This is however changing fast; now YOU too can be part of this new and effective form of poverty reduction through a highly successful and attractive time-proven form of warriors business product support crowdfunding.
As you will see in our Global Charter we are truly diverse company compared to other mainstream eco charities and forestry companies.
Now Let’s Read Our Vision via our charter:
Planting Direct’s Global Charter:
Our mission is translated into a series of clear concrete commitments,the statements below establish our clear mandate and position in regards to Tree-Plant-Vegetation-Crops-Jungles-Forests-Animal” new-existing”, Research-Product-Training-Local Employment and Business Partnerships as a cardinal principle of each reforestation-farming or assisted natural regeneration led by Planting Direct and ongoing partnerships-relationships and business;
Our Charter applies to our organization itself, its employees and as to all its partners and friends who pledge to respect its terms in the context of their joint activities with us.
1) Preserving the multifunctionality of Farming and Tree Planting Best Practices:
Our clear commitment to the multifunctional use of our Land-farm-woods and forest projects enhancing the benefits, environmental, human and economic, meeting the challenges of sustainable development in today’s environment in each diverse culture we operate.
2) Serving the public interest:
We confirm that, whatever the project -whether public owned, community owned or privately owned- of the country welcoming our forests-plantations-farming operations, each project serves the public interest beyond the potential economic gains that “we-us” the management or assignees might ultimately make from the sale of C02 offsets, timber-non timber trees/crops and other products developed or planted.
3) Promoting the forest” tree planted zones” as a major component of global biodiversity:
We clearly recognise that trees and forests, as major components of biodiversity, themselves dependent on many other wildlife and floral components, provide a set of ecosystem services essential for the activity and well-being of man and our future survival.
4) Promoting the economic role of the forest “tree planted zones” within our economic farming module:
We understand the economic role of a sustainable and well managed farms/land and tree/forest areas as a key pool of local jobs- future energy generation via reasonable practices via biomass production/solar and eco-construction sectors in particular our building material products starting with or new Construction building units “ C02 Blocks “ a big long term alternative for Carbon sequestration in today’s growing planet .
5)We have no doubt in our minds and are very clear to all who ask us:
“Our business is a hybrid between a non-profit and a full profit business”.
Our key goal is to scale up our projects and ensure to make them fully performing and as profitable as possible.
We understand to get the required support to establish and develop a major C02 sequestration/offsetting and planting operation we need access to large amounts of funding/investment-cash flow, to ensure we meet the monetary requirements we will reward our backers to ensure we deliver on our offsetting and environmental targets.
“Profitable forestry and farming in our eyes does not cause bad policy, in the opposite with our clear Charter we will enhance and support our planet without reliance on just donations or government handouts -our customers and supporters will enhance our project goals with consumer loyalty and customer choice to ensure they are part of our movement”.
5) Supporting the diversification of Local and Global species:
We are committed to primarily support multi-species planting projects tailored to the local ecosystem within the country we operate.
6) Promoting sustainable methods:
In planting and assisting natural regeneration operations, we strive to promote the use of methods and products that respect local ecosystems over the long term.
7) Supporting sustainable forests “tree planted zones” areas within our farming and production projects:
We guarantee to plant and support the regeneration of farming-land-forestry-tree projects under sustainable management conducted by qualified professionals within our teams.
8) Educating our Stakeholders-Backers-Supporters-Customers and the General Public:
We are committed to educate our stakeholders and the general public to the multiple uses of our land-farms-forests-woods-tree planted zones by inviting them to discover the recreational benefits and observe the biodiversity to better preserve it over time.
“all our projects will have the right of access for all to enjoy spaces for relaxation and share work experiences “.
9) Ensuring the proper development of our land-farms-tree zones and plantation projects:
We strive to ensure 24-7 access to all our Farms-Forests-Woods-Planting Zones-Regeneration and all project areas, we will ensure full installation of protective devices are installed on all our projects, to establish total security of our project- -investment-employees-time and efforts using the latest in modern day equipment and software .
10) Advancing our practices:
We are committed to follow the evolution of techniques and tools used for farming-planting-reforestation-energy in order to continuously improve our own methods in an increasingly effective use of land and tree biodiversity protection.
The Real Truth About Finance is not as it seems.
The Real Truth About Profit and Todays Society Is Diifferent Than The Truth
For too long, economic growth has been seen as something that comes at the expense of the environment.
It’s either profit, or the planet.
But that’s a false choice.
The truth is, the future of finance isn’t on Wall Street. It’s in the jungles-rainforests and forests of the world
‘’Planting Direct Has A Global Solution To Enhance Our Goals And Gain Massive Support’’……
Unlike most other forestry companies, Planting Direct has chosen crowdfunding as a financing model for its operations.
Contact me Today : and discuss your investment and we can start planting next week, start earning profits from your money immediate Website Chat Direct : https://tawk.to/chat/60193cb3c31c9117cb74f79e/1eth9a834
Whatsapp + Telegram : +855 96 792 4798 Skype: Magnedoo