Find Out How To Invest In Our Cannabis Hemp Business
Eco Hemp Biotech Ltd UK
Monthly Interest
Investment Loan Certificate
Great News

We are proud to announce that we have successfully been issued a full Hemp Licence in Cambodia and have completed and obtained all government permissions to Export -Import-Grow-Produce and Manufacture Hemp and Related products.

We are now in the process of obtaining the money to allow us to apply for a full Cannabis Production Licence in the country of Malawi it will be issued within the first quarter of 2022 and we can start planting ,growing and selling by mid to end of 2022.

We have established our company in the United Kingdom for our investors globally ,giving stability and future growth for our concept.

Our Main Activities:
  • Development of our own seed strains -copyrighting and selling the seeds under licence.
  • To Grow Hemp plants for other farmers under contract.
  • Established a cooperative farm network with local farmers.
  • Produce products using our hemp : Drinks -Toilet Paper-Bio Fuel-Cbd Oil-High Protein Powder-Building materials and other products as we expand seeds  for export.
  • Distribution of purchased Cannabis& Seeds from Early 2022 via Mawali to legal counytries.
  • Full Planting and Harvesting and Distribution of High Quality Medical Cannabis and Seeds from our operations in Mawali from 2023 to legal countries.
  • Applying for more Hemp licences  in the UK -AFRICA-PHILIPPINES.                                                                                                                                      
Special Announcement To Friends & Family!
Become An Investor In Our Hemp Cannabis Company.
  • We have now set the Investment Loan Plans for 100 small investors ,we have structured Redeemable Investment Loan Certificates.
  • Monthly Fixed  Interest Payouts.
  • Investment Loan Certicate Buy Back Offer 100% of invested amount at end interest term of final payment.
  • Free Gift From Scotcoin 20% of your first purchase upto  of your first deposit amount  of £250 in Scotcoin coins.
  • Investment Loan Certificate Issued By Email Free –  Hard Copy Ivestment Loan Certificate issued by Courier UK £19.99-International Courier £49.99 paid by investor.
Choose Your Investment Loan Plan, What To Do Next:
Choose Your Investment Loan Plan:
  • Choose The Amount ‘’You want To Lend/Invest”
  • Lend/Invest Now
  • Receive profits (dividends) Monthly-Bi Monthly-Quarterly !
We Distribute Interest /Loan payments Percentages monthly so you get a Regular Income as a big thank you for helping us expand.